Go It Alone

The Streetwise Secrets of Self-employment

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Chapter 1

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Now a cult classic, "Go It Alone" takes a sideways look at the issues, pitfalls and advantages of self-employment. Whether you've only just gone it alone or even if you've been doing your own thing for a while, Geoff will inspire you to move forward in strength – and even help put your mind at rest about many of the stresses associated with working for yourself.

As in all Geoff's books and presentations, his insights are still fresh, his approach unique and wisdom second to none.


Readers comments

"The book was funny, well laid out and full of useful sales tips. I’d recommend it to anyone in sales or wanting to start a business."

examine_it@hotmail.com from Bolton, UK

"Essential reading for the self-employed. As the sleeve note says “After years of doing his own thing and loving every mad, scheming, wheely-popping, money-spinning second of it, Burch shares his knowledge of how to make a success of working for yourself. An indispensable guide for budding entrepreneurs. Great fun to read!"

Steve (info@startbusiness.co.uk) UK

"Sound advice presented with humour. A very practical and easy to read ‘guide’ for those who are about to become self-employed and a very good aide to those who already have to get the business back on track, to help with new projects and generally provide that reassurance needed in the lonely world of 'going it alone'."

dneath@purplenet.co.uk Stratford upon Avon

"Over 200 pages of non-stop action tips and anecdotes, If you are just about to embark on a new enterprise, or are thinking of setting up your own business, and you’re sick of the usual, tame and un-original “business” books, trying to cash in on the latest “buzzwords” and trends, then this is the book for you."

Debbie Hartland (debbieh@cabal.co.uk) UK

His sense of humour and fanatical passion for sales and marketing comes across beautifully in this book. His anecdotes and good advice will instil confidence in anyone; you just know that his ideas are going to work.

Although this book is entertaining, it certainly wasn’t written just to entertain. Geoff’s favourite saying taken from John Cleese (Monty Python) is, “You don’t have to be sombre to be serious”. This book is easy to read and will change your attitude towards business and marketing forever – This text refers to the Paperback edition.